
As I recently posted to social media, the new issue of TDR The Drama Review has a nice review of Playing God. It’s written by Christopher Swift, and the quotation my publishers have pulled for PR purposes is: “Bial’s provocative paradigm of performative sincerity, faith, irony, and spectacle opens new critical territory in the field.”

Which is nice, but the part that warms this scholar’s heart the most is Swift’s statement that “the text is superbly annotated.”

While we’re on the subject, you may have noticed that I don’t typically post such reviews in their entirety here (or anywhere). This primarily due to copyright restrictions. The folks who write reviews of books like mine, and the journals that publish those reviews, provide a valuable, indeed a critical, service to the scholarly profession. They should be the ones getting the love from Project MUSE, EBSCO, Google Analytics, etc.

So if you want to read about my books and support the scholarly book review infrastructure, here are a few links. Keep in mind that some of these may be behind paywalls, or require you to log-in through your university’s library system. If you really want to read one of these and can’t access it, please email me privately.

Review of Playing God by Christopher Swift. TDR: The Drama Review 61, 2 (Summer 2017): 182-184.

Review of Playing God by Joshua Edelman. Contemporary Theatre Review 26, 4 (December 2016): 515-517.

Review of Playing God by Jill Stevenson. Studies in Theatre and Performance 36, 2 (Winter 2016): 192-194.

Review of Playing God by Rebecca Kastleman. Modern Drama 39, 3 (Fall 2016): 380-382.

Review of Playing God along with Chambers, du Toit, and Edelman’s edited collection Performing Religion in Public by Katherine J. Swimm. Theatre Research International 42, 1 (March 2017): 93-95.